Unleash Your Adaptable Creativity

brown and white pomeranian puppy on macbook
brown and white pomeranian puppy on macbook
person catching light bulb
person catching light bulb

Books. Art. Side gigs galore! It's a modern mixed-media work life, always in motion.

About Me

Hello, internet. I'm Amy A. DeCew, book author and side gig queen.

I've become my own variety show, with a background that includes everything from academia to minimum-wage retail, with design, manufacturing, and even some performance thrown into the mix. They tell me I'm too controversial or they tell me I'm a dilettante; in reality, I'm just a sassy peasant in search of a paycheck in an ever evolving and frequently chaotic work landscape. How about you?

I'll be here throwing it all into a blender in my creative work. We'll visit some wide-ranging locations, revisit American policies, and seek sanity in the humor and pathos of the context we find ourselves in. 


Engaging and thought-provoking written content that questions convention. And sometimes, genre.

black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper
black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper
My Books

Listen, I've even been a Bollywood extra. From New York runways to Vietnamese television, dude...I freelance.

My Latest Project

I'm currently writing a book of essays and poetry on the variety of responses that poured forth from my brain about the loss of reproductive rights for women across the U.S.

The heartbreak and grief, the outrage, the sense of both insanity and absurdity, feeling as though we'd been sent back in time. I also tried to express myself in digital collages when the words failed me. Using simple online tools and libraries of images, I layered multiple graphics and pictures together. Here's a look at some of my experiments stepping away from 3D artwork and into digital-- but not AI-- form.

If you click on the gallery, you'll get a full-screen view.

If you are one of the many people who feel that measures of legal and safe access are better than bans, and are concerned about where all this is going, you may be interested in staying tuned on the newsletter for when the book launches. And thank you for petitioning, voting, and protecting choice and healthcare access for women across the country.